Human Rights Rhetoric Versus Human Rights Violations
Österreichs Lesben und Schwule wenden sich an die Europäische Union um Hilfe
In its press release of 7 February, HOSI Wien announced that we had sent the letters to the prime and foreign ministers of the 14 EU Member States.
Image campain of the Austrian Government is a predetermined flop
HOSI Wien critisises that the FPÖ-ÖVP-Government have only a very rudimentary view of human rights. During the past days it has started putting advertisements in international newspapers containing its “Democratic and Human Rights Declaration”.
However, the human rights of lesbians and gays are not mentioned in that delaration and those two parties have a very bad history in this respect (e. i. they have been against abolishing the discriminatory age of consent law for gay men, article 209 penal code).
We demand that they also guarantee human rights for gays and lesbians and that they take that up in their declaration. If they continue advertising the declaration in international newspapers in its current form we will start urging befriended gay and lesbian groups all over the world writing letters to the editors of those magazines and ruin the government’s campain.
Vor dem heutigen Vier-Parteien-Gespräch: SPÖ und Grüne müssen auf Einhaltung der Menschenrechte bestehen
In this press release HOSI Wien urged the oposition parties SPÖ and the Greens to insist on fullfillment of human rights for gay men and women in Austria in their talks with the government.
HOSI Wien fordert: Keine Aufhebung der EU-Maßnahmen gegen Österreich ohne Aufhebung des § 209 StGB
In this press release HOSI Wien reports, that it again has sent letters to all prime ministers and foreign ministers of the other 13 EU Member States to make the repeal of Article 209 and the release from prison of all people jailed under this law one of the conditions for lifting the measures against Austria.